“This Little Light of Mine”

“This Little Light of Mine”

“You are the light of the world-like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14

The bible tells us to let our lights shine as a testament to His glory. “He Himself was not the light but He came to bear witness of the light”. John 1:7. Our lives should bring others to Christ. I am reminded of a song I learned as a little girl, ‘This Little Light of Mine-I am going to let it shine’. Christians have a duty to walk and speak in love. Are you a pessimist or an optimist? In negative situations are you en- couraging yourself

and others? Ever heard the term “fake it until you make it”? We must not give the enemy any room to take refuge in our lives by harboring negative thoughts and allowing him to steal our joy. We can’t grant him any power by speaking negatively. Choose to speak words of love, life, that uplift and encourage those around you. Search yourself for a posi- tive word when you find yourself in the mist of negativity. Regardless of what we are thinking or how we are feeling we are charged with being a light. You may be the only light a non- believer sees. “The light shineth in darkness and darkness comprehends it not.” John 1:5. Allow God to use the light in your life to draw others closer to him.

PRAYER. Lord let my light shine in my home, on my job, at school. I want to be used by you to draw others closer to you. Teach me to uplift and encourage myself and other. Amen

Daily prayer agreement for: Pastor Robinson, First fami- ly, BCOG-ATL, BCOG, Inc., the nation, souls. reaching the un-churched, church mortgage burning, unity, obedi- ence, spiritual discernment .
