“Failing Forward”

“Failing Forward”

When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. Psalms 91:15

Have you ever heard the quote, “failing is not an option!”? If you have you’ve probably told yourself this or even told someone else this very thing when they were faced with a tough mountain to climb. I recently learned that failing is an option if your failing moves you forward. John Maxwell writes in his book, “Failing Forward” that we often define ourselves by our failures and mistakes instead of looking at them as moments to move forward. So now I ask the ques- tion do you want to move forward or stay down where you are? I thought you’d say no. Remember when David made that 1 (one) mistake when he glanced on another man’s rooftop. That mistake led to a cycle of sin cover ups. It was when he repented he found grace. Exposé what you’re do- ing to God and wait to hear Him call you a man after His own heart. Call upon The Lord and move forward!

Lord I pray that this time will not be like any time before when I failed to be obedient to you and what your word says about my life. I have learned to admit I was wrong, I made a mistake and you will deliver me. I repent. I want to move forward, not on my on, but in you. In Jesus name Amen!

Daily prayer agreement for: Pastor Robinson, First fami- ly, BCOG-ATL, BCOG, Inc., the nation, souls. reaching the un-churched, church mortgage burning, unity, obedi- ence, stand firm, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of bondage.
