“With God It’s Possible”
Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God”. Luke 18:27
What an awesome reminder of who our God is!!! A God of impossibilities, A God of no limits, A God of immeas- urable reach! This verse of scripture refers to the salva- tion of a rich man and how difficult it is for him to be saved. But when God is added to the equation, it be- comes possible. When we were lost in sin, it was God who lovingly and patiently drew us nearer to Him. Have you been praying for someone’s salvation? Does it sometimes seem as if they are moving farther away, in- stead of closer to God? Don’t lose hope, for your hope is not in whom the person is or what they do or say, but your hope is in the God of impossibilities. Our God who specializes in saving such as drug dealers, whore- mongers, thieves, abusers, liars, etc. — the lost! And such were some of us, BUT our God, the God of salvation is able to save to the utmost. So turn that impossibility over to Him and trust Him to do what He does – Make the Im- possible, Possible.
Daily prayer agreement for: Pastor Robinson, First family, BCOG-ATL, BCOG, Inc., the nation, souls. reaching the un-churched, church mortgage burning, uni- ty, obedience, to watch thoughts of your mind and elimi- nate the thoughts that are not God-centered.