It’s Your Time

I have found that 90% of Christians, whether they are young or old, when faced with problems always seem to believe in others around them to play “MR. FIX IT”. In the last few months of my life I have been faced with my own problems. I have had others trying to distribute solutions to mine and to theirs, but what I have also found is that God’s plan is not our plan. We focus so much on how others will portray us or what they will say; and how to impress others, but the question is WHAT WOULD GOD SAY? The biggest mistake that I see displayed today is not knowing when to sit and listen to God or open his word. As soon as a problem occurs in our lives we are quick to run to the next available person when God is always available. We want God to work fast in our lives when we can’t give God even 5 minutes of our time. So when things look so blurry the best person to believe in to FIX IT is God.

I read in devotion, Mark 9:24 “The Father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou unbelief”. A wise person once told me that “Genuine faith does not trust in one’s own or others ability to believe, to work, or to obey. True faith looks to Christ to fulfill all our gaping inadequacies.” So when faced with problems believe, have faith in God that he will fix it instead of Man. Remember God already knew his plan for our lives before we were even born. So the goal for this month is: When faced with a trial, be bold enough to go to God in prayer, open your Word, listen to a few gospel songs, or kneel down and say “JESUS JESUS JESUS”, trust me this is the best way to have a peace of mind when at your weakest point. He may not come when you want him, but OUR God is always on time.



 Brittany Spencer

It’s Praying Time…..

Does God hear my prayer? Do you know how to pray? Why should I pray? Let’s answer these questions.  Prayer is simple, it is just communicating with God.  His ears are open to hear and answer our prayers.  Exodus 6:5 says, “Now, I have heard the painful cries, I know that there are slaves in Egypt.  I will remember my agreement.”  When I read this I was so excited.  God was reminding us that crying out to Him refreshes His memory.  We need to stop worrying  and start praying.  Stop doubting and start believing that He hears our prayers.  So when we pray He will be reminded of His promises or His agreement that He has made with us.  Now that is enough for us to to give Him praise.  So do not stop praying, pray more.  As you are reading this blog, stop and start praying.  He is waiting to hear your cry!


First Lady Victoria Robinson

The World, Our Red Sea Experience

As I envision Israel’s dilemma standing on the shores of the Red Sea and Pharoah and his forces barreling down upon them, they had only one of two choices, to accept the never ending tyranny of Pharoah or to become willing participants of God’s plan for His glory and their lives.  The way I see it, much like the Israelites we too have only one of two choices, to embrace God’s plan, fashioned out of love, compassion and care in all of His sovereignty and glory or to accept the conditions of this world barreling down upon us! (Prov.3:5,6)

An Open Heart

Life is not a dress rehearsal! Life is a purposed, latent opportunity to draw nigh to God. As we learn of God, in our weakness, his strength is being made perfect; empowering our lives individually, that we accomplish every purpose set before us. James 1:22 says “But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” It is my heart to make sure that people are provided a solid foundation through the teaching and instruction of the word of God.

Believers should not only have an understanding of how to apply Christian principles to their own lives, but they should also fulfill the great commission with others so that all may come to know Christ as their personal Savior! This ultimately is the reason for our existence. The growth of the local church body is a necessary element in touching as many lives as possible, but more importantly we are charged with the responsibility of ‘building people’, one life at a time, thereby strengthening the entire church body to accomplish God’s purpose. It is an essential charge to pray and to study the word of God (Luke 18:1; 2 Timothy 2:15).

By applying these basic tools we build a relationship with Christ that develops to a level of love, trust, and understanding that we should not only see the difference in our own lives. We come to realize that there is nothing in life that we will face that God will not make necessary provisions for (1st Corinthians 10:13), but also our light should shine before others so that they might be saved as well (Matthew 5:16). As I share what God has charged me with, ministry will go forth from Conyers, GA and, prayerfully, throughout the world.


Respectfully, Pastor. William L. Robinson .Sr


