“Contentment is a funny word”

“Contentment is a funny word”

I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:12-13.

To be content is the state of being happy and satisfied so says the dictionary. In my researching I found a statement that said ‘contentment is a gift from God and grows out of having His perspective on life’. This becomes difficult when we don’t understand that all that we have belongs to God. We look at the things that we have and believe that it all is because of me and without it I am no longer able to function. When I am stuck on the belief that what I have is because of ‘my job’ or what others have given to me I will have a problem functioning without it. Paul tells us that it is Christ who enables the contentment regardless of the current situation in life. We must realize that our content- ment should not be in who is in our life, the items we have purchased, or the job position that we feel we have earned but that contentment comes from God. Evaluate your life today, ask yourself what would happen if my life changed right now how would I respond. Maybe you say that ‘but you don’t know how bad my situation is right now’-maybe not but somebody else is worse off than you are.

Daily prayer agreement for: Pastor Robinson, First fami- ly, BCOG-ATL family, BCOG, Inc., the nation, souls/ reaching the un-churched (salvation), BCOG church mort- gage burning, unity, obedience.

“With God It’s Possible”

“With God It’s Possible”

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God”. Luke 18:27

What an awesome reminder of who our God is!!! A God of impossibilities, A God of no limits, A God of immeas- urable reach! This verse of scripture refers to the salva- tion of a rich man and how difficult it is for him to be saved. But when God is added to the equation, it be- comes possible. When we were lost in sin, it was God who lovingly and patiently drew us nearer to Him. Have you been praying for someone’s salvation? Does it sometimes seem as if they are moving farther away, in- stead of closer to God? Don’t lose hope, for your hope is not in whom the person is or what they do or say, but your hope is in the God of impossibilities. Our God who specializes in saving such as drug dealers, whore- mongers, thieves, abusers, liars, etc. — the lost! And such were some of us, BUT our God, the God of salvation is able to save to the utmost. So turn that impossibility over to Him and trust Him to do what He does – Make the Im- possible, Possible.

Daily prayer agreement for: Pastor Robinson, First family, BCOG-ATL, BCOG, Inc., the nation, souls. reaching the un-churched, church mortgage burning, uni- ty, obedience, to watch thoughts of your mind and elimi- nate the thoughts that are not God-centered.

“Failing Forward”

“Failing Forward”

When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. Psalms 91:15

Have you ever heard the quote, “failing is not an option!”? If you have you’ve probably told yourself this or even told someone else this very thing when they were faced with a tough mountain to climb. I recently learned that failing is an option if your failing moves you forward. John Maxwell writes in his book, “Failing Forward” that we often define ourselves by our failures and mistakes instead of looking at them as moments to move forward. So now I ask the ques- tion do you want to move forward or stay down where you are? I thought you’d say no. Remember when David made that 1 (one) mistake when he glanced on another man’s rooftop. That mistake led to a cycle of sin cover ups. It was when he repented he found grace. Exposé what you’re do- ing to God and wait to hear Him call you a man after His own heart. Call upon The Lord and move forward!

Lord I pray that this time will not be like any time before when I failed to be obedient to you and what your word says about my life. I have learned to admit I was wrong, I made a mistake and you will deliver me. I repent. I want to move forward, not on my on, but in you. In Jesus name Amen!

Daily prayer agreement for: Pastor Robinson, First fami- ly, BCOG-ATL, BCOG, Inc., the nation, souls. reaching the un-churched, church mortgage burning, unity, obedi- ence, stand firm, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of bondage.

“Prayer of Jabez”

“Prayer of Jabez”

Read: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

Is it selfish to pray for God’s blessing? Are you born for more? The writer of Chronicles was giving a history lesson and stopped in the middle to tell us about a man who knew he was born for more. His name meant ‘pain’ but he pursued a bless- ing. Are you ready for a blessing? Can God trust you with a blessing? Do you realize that we are blessed to be a blessing? Then he asked for his territory to be enlarged. I was born for more. There is more to life than working and paying bills. Lord I need more influence. More people to meet, more souls to win for The Lord. If this is how you feel then you are ready for more. Then he asked for The Lord to keep His hand on him. Lord keep me humble, don’t let me be filled up pride. Let me always remember you are the one who has blessed me. With your power ordinary people like us can do extraordinary things. “Keep me from evil should be our daily prayer.” Paul said it like this, ‘where there is good, evil is always present’. Jesus tests us but the devil tempts us. We will all have temptation but Jesus will give us an escape route. And lastly, he asked that ‘I may not cause pain’. Sin hurts God and un-repented sin sepa- rates us from God. Ask Adam? When he sinned God came for their daily fellowship but Adam was hiding. When God con- fronted him and asked him where he was he said I am hiding because I am naked. I have sinned. I disobeyed you. Wow, what a prayer! The question is: ‘are you ready for more?’ Un- derstanding that we are born for more will stop the writing pen of your life and God will say “I have granted them their request as he did Jabez.”

Daily prayer agreement for: Pastor Robinson, First family, BCOG-ATL, BCOG, Inc., the nation, souls. reaching the un- churched, church mortgage burning, unity, obedience. open our eyes to see You as You see us.

“This Little Light of Mine”

“This Little Light of Mine”

“You are the light of the world-like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14

The bible tells us to let our lights shine as a testament to His glory. “He Himself was not the light but He came to bear witness of the light”. John 1:7. Our lives should bring others to Christ. I am reminded of a song I learned as a little girl, ‘This Little Light of Mine-I am going to let it shine’. Christians have a duty to walk and speak in love. Are you a pessimist or an optimist? In negative situations are you en- couraging yourself

and others? Ever heard the term “fake it until you make it”? We must not give the enemy any room to take refuge in our lives by harboring negative thoughts and allowing him to steal our joy. We can’t grant him any power by speaking negatively. Choose to speak words of love, life, that uplift and encourage those around you. Search yourself for a posi- tive word when you find yourself in the mist of negativity. Regardless of what we are thinking or how we are feeling we are charged with being a light. You may be the only light a non- believer sees. “The light shineth in darkness and darkness comprehends it not.” John 1:5. Allow God to use the light in your life to draw others closer to him.

PRAYER. Lord let my light shine in my home, on my job, at school. I want to be used by you to draw others closer to you. Teach me to uplift and encourage myself and other. Amen

Daily prayer agreement for: Pastor Robinson, First fami- ly, BCOG-ATL, BCOG, Inc., the nation, souls. reaching the un-churched, church mortgage burning, unity, obedi- ence, spiritual discernment .

“Break Every Chain”

“Break Every Chain”

“No, this is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people.” Isaiah 58:6

I am walking into a season of liberty where I will no longer be bound by chains that keep me in captivity. I know there is power in the name of Jesus. He can break every chain in our lives. Jesus has the power to bring liberty and healing in all situations. So many times we focus on our problems in- stead of giving God glory and edifying Him through our trials and pain. In order to move forward and walk into our God given destiny we have to let go of the chains that hold us back and prevent us from being victorious. Lord help me to walk in my liberty.

Prayer: Lord loose every chain and every stronghold that tries to bind us and deny us our liberty. We raise up a stand- ard against the enemy. We declare on today that we are free, indeed. The chains that used to bind us are no more. You are a God of deliverance and receive our deliverance today. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Daily prayer agreement for: Pastor Robinson, First family, BCOG-ATL, BCOG, Inc., the nation, souls. reaching the un- churched, church mortgage burning, unity, obedience, homeless families.

“Pray for Who?”

“Pray for Who?”

But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Fa- ther in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. Mat- thew 5:44-45

God’s Word is powerful! Just reading it brings encouragement that we are able to do all things that He has promised to help us do. The scripture says that His Word is as powerful as a two- edged sword. If that is the case then why do we choose not to use His Word in our daily life. He tells us to love our enemies- we say that is impossible. We forget that we were enemies of God before we accepted Him in our lives. When all we de- served was death He loved us, protected us, and died for us. We did not deserve what He did for us in the past nor what He is doing for us right now yet He loves us. So when I love my ene- my I am imitating my Father. I should have no ill feelings when I see others get blessed because I don’t think they deserve it. God is the decision maker when it comes to what happens day in and day out-not me. How can I think more highly of myself than I ought to when God’s Word teaches me very differently? Today I recognize that if it had not been for the Lord on my side where would I be surely not walking on the path that He has ordained for my life.

Daily prayer agreement for: Pastor Robinson, First family, BCOG-ATL, BCOG, Inc., the nation, souls. reaching the un- churched, church mortgage burning, unity, obedience., courage to do God’s Will.

“Who Can Condemn You!”

“Who Can Condemn You!”

There is no judgment against anyone who believes in Him. But anyone who does not believe in Him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. John 3:18

The enemy is the one who comes to condemn us even when God has forgiven us. His ability to get our attention and hold it is one of the greatest weapons he can use against us because when we give him attention we are missing out on what God is speaking to us. We have authority over the enemy because the Holy Spirit who indwells our life gives us the power to defeat the enemy. His job is to kill, steal, and destroy but Jesus comes to give us eternal life. We must walk in the authority that God has given us in order to be the witness that is being called for in this end time. Walk in the authority and conquer what God has promised to you and your family. Remember where God has brought you from and it will strengthen you to move forward no matter what it looks like you are victorious through Jesus.

Daily prayer agreement for: Pastor Robinson, First family, BCOG-ATL, BCOG, Inc., the nation, souls. reaching the un- churched, church mortgage burning, unity, obedience, self – dis- cipline. for acceptance of the power that God has given us just because we have believed in Him.



When I think of inspiration I immediately thought about motiva- tion, influence, inspire, stimulation, and encouragement. Well after thought and research I discovered another definition in the medical terminology “as the drawing of air into the lungs”. This is the one of the first breathing of life into man in the bible- Gene- sis 2:7 What do you chose today, breathing life or death, the word states in Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit”. We should be careful of the words we speak to others- we can build people up or tear them down. Words are not only the things that can speak life or death but our gestures can as well. Did you know that a hug or smile can speak words? How often has someone given you a hug, smile, or compliment that changed your attitude about a situation? That is also true with reading GOD’s Word, changes our perspective on life (ONCE again the word LIFE). So when we think of inspiration life can be given or taken. GOD’s Word was given to us to give life, inspire, influence, encourage, stimu- late, and motivate others to surrender to his will for us. Every scripture is inspired by GOD (2 Timothy 3:16). Theopneustic is a Greek word that means “breathed into by GOD’ all the writers were guided to express exactly what GOD intended them to ex- press as a revelation of his mind and will, ALL of the books OLD and NEW testaments are infallible communication of His mind and will for our lives. I will close with John 15: 5 which says that we must remain in His word so He can remain in us (BIBLE=LIFE) then we will bear much fruit and inspire others to become Disciples of Christ.

Daily prayer agreement: Pastor Robinson, First family, BCOG- ATL, BCOG, Inc., the nation, souls. reaching the un-churched, church mortgage burning, unity, obedience, healing .

“The Blessing of Giving”

“The Blessing of Giving”

“Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.” Matthew6:21

It was Martin Luther who said there are three conversions necessary: the conversion of the heart, the conversion of the mind, and the con- version of the purse (or wallet, as we would say today). But for many of us, the wallet is often the last thing to change.

You can tell a lot about a person by their giving, or lack thereof. You can tell a lot about someone by taking a tour of his or her checkbook, because it will reveal their real value system.
Why? Because Jesus said, “Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be” (Matthew 6:21).

It has been said that we should give until it hurts, but in reality, it should hurt when we cease to give. We should realize what a great privilege giving is.
It is also a test of our faithfulness to God. Jesus said, “And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?” (Luke 16:11).

Before God entrusts us with spiritual responsibility, He wants to see how we do with the temporal financial resources and assets He has placed in our care.
As we give generously, God will return generously to us. As we give to Him from what we have received, He will meet our needs.

This doesn’t mean we are striking some kind of a deal with God that stipulates as we give to Him, He must give back to us in a multiplied way. Then our motives are wrong.
The right motive is to say, “Lord, because You have given to me, I am gladly giving back to You.” The fringe benefit is that God promises to give to you in return. Copyright © 2009 by Harvest Ministries

Daily prayer agreement for: Pastor Robinson, First family, BCOG- ATL, BCOG, Inc., the nation, souls. reaching the un-churched, church mortgage burning, unity, obedience, Jabez’s prayer (Lord, en- large my territory).
